Klasse 7c lädt Gastschüler José aus Costa Rica ein

Die bilinguale Lerngruppe der Klasse 7c lud José zum Frühstück ein, einen Gastschüler aus Costa Rica, der ein Dreivierteljahr am Gymnasium Borbeck am Unterricht der Einführungsphase teilnimmt. Mit noch wenigen Deutschkenntnissen nutzte José die Möglichkeit, den pfiffigen Bilis sein Land mithilfe seiner sehr guten Englischkenntnisse darzustellen.

Zuvor hatte die Klasse unzählige Fragen zu den Bereichen Femilie, Schule, Hobbies, Tiere,  Pflanzen und Essensgewohnheiten zusammengetragen, die José geduldig und ausführlich beantwortete.

Die unterrichtliche Anbindung an den bilingualen Erdkundeunterricht war durch die Themen "tropischer Regenwald" und "Erdbeben und Vulkanismus" gegeben, die die Schüler zuvor in englischer Sprache erarbeitet hatten. José erzählte, wie sein Leben in Costa Rica abläuft und erklärte uns das Schulsystem. Außerdem räumte er mit dem ein oder anderen Vorurteil auf. Nach kurzer Zeit tauschte er sich schnell mit den Siebtklässlern über gängige Computerspiele  oder über Fußballspieler aus.

Den jüngeren Schülerinnen und Schülern fiel es nicht schwer, den englischsprachigen Ausführungen Josés zu folgen. Die Präsentation wurde durch ein von den Bilis perfekt organisiertes Frühstück begleitet, zu dem die 7c José eingeladen hatte.


Im Folgenden lesen Sie englischsprachige Berichte der Schülerinnen und Schüler zu dieser interkulturellen Begegnung:

Visit by José

Class 7c had an idea to prepare a breakfast for José from Costa Rica. He told us with a presentation about his home, about the animals which live there and the food there.

Also he answered our questions. The presentation was very interesting to learn from another country.

At the end José had sweets from Costa Rica for us, too. We hope he will have a good stay here in Essen.

Written by Viona


On Friday 14th June 2019 a student from Costa Rica, who is called José, visited our bilingual class. He answered our questions and he showed us some picutes of Costa Rica and his life. After some time we ate together with the whole class. We learned a lot from the presentation. We explained something about our home countries Costa Rica and Germany. At last he gave us some sweets from Costa Rica. We had a good time together.

Veronika, Lara, Lilith, Mathilda


Visit by José

Class 7c had an idea to prepare a breakfast for the student José from Costa Rica. We asked him questions about Costa Rica and he answered them by doing a presentation. He told us about the animals there, the food and other things. We had a lot of fun with him. While he was presenting we ate breakfast. At the end he gave us sweets from Costa Rica, too. We had a great time with him and we will miss him.

Written by Sarah and Jamie


A special guest from...

Our breakfast with José from Costa Rica was on 14th June 2019. He gave a presentation about Costa Rica, it was very interesting, and we learned a lot about José and Costa Rica. We asked a lot about his life and his country. He told us about the fruits and the lunch there. They have fruits that look like the fruits in Europe, e.g. bananas, but they taste different.

We know now a lot about the pretty country


Presented by: llias, Abdel, Raphael, Henry, Robert, Luca V. Mohamad A.


Last Friday. José from Costa Rica visited our class. He'd prepared a presentation about Costa Rica, his favourite food, sports and so on. He told us very much about Costa Rica. He told us about the federal states. After that we had prepared a little break and everyone brought something. At the end of the two lessons he gave us some Costa Rican sweets. It was a very nice meeting and we hope that he liked our breakfast. We also hope that he enjoys his time in Germany.

Arujan, Scott, Julian, Cengiz

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Städtisches Gymnasium 
für Jungen und Mädchen 
mit bilingualem deutsch-englischem Zweig 
Sekundarstufe I und II 

Hauptgebäude  Prinzenstraße 46
45355 Essen
(0201) 8877562
(0201) 8877564
E-Mail 164859@schule.nrw.de
  Mo-Do: 7.30-15.00 Uhr
  Fr: 7.30-14.30 Uhr
Zweigstelle Dépendance
Wüstenhöferstraße 85/87
45355 Essen
Telefon (0201) 8877618
Fax (0201) 8877612



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